Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

📸: Jill from SRC

Monday Motivation(ish)

Monday, September 2, 2024
📷: Credit

We are so close to Fall, y’all! My favorite season and time of year. This past weekend was a rough one for me mentally. I felt very low and spent a lot of time in bed. I know that’s not the best thing to do, but I didn’t have it in me to do much else other than shower, and a few chores. However, as Sunday afternoon came around, I found myself at home alone. Rather than stay inside my head, I decided to finally go see “It Ends with Us.” I bought myself some candy and popcorn and sat back to enjoy one of my favorite books brought to life.

Afterward, I stopped to wash my car and then headed home to finally give “It Starts with Us” a real go of it. As some of you may know, getting back into reading after such a long break has been a real struggle. But I fell right back into a groove. I devoured the pages until my eyes started to close, and I made a huge amount of progress. Will it continue? Who knows. But I’m excited to be reading some fiction again.

This morning, I woke up to rain showers. Thunder in the distance. If you don’t know, rainy/cloudy weather is at the top of my favorites list. As I got ready for the day I felt much better than I had the past few days. While I still had to go to work, getting back into my routine felt nice. I got ready, packed my things, and then headed out. Every once in a while I get into these funks. Lately, they’ve been occurring a bit more frequently, but I know the reason behind it. So, I do my best to get through them. I know I’ll eventually feel better, I just have to hang on during the lows. 

Now, it’s a new week in a new month. I've spent the day catching up on some less high-priority items that I had been putting off. I've been sipping on some coffee and enjoying the rainy weather. I hope your day has been a good one. I hope September treats y'all well. And here’s to cooler weather around the corner; fingers crossed! Happy Monday! Happy Labor Day!

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, August 28, 2024