October Happenings

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
When I say we’ve been busy, I mean it. We had a homecoming game, where Emery was on Homecoming Court. Obviously, I’m biased, but my little girl was beautiful. And while hormones played a big part, I felt both happy and sad because she looked so grown up. I blinked, y’all. Our school is small, but their 6-man football team is currently undefeated, so we’ve been attending games to show support. Emery and her school’s cross-country team have made it to regionals. She hoped they wouldn’t go past the district meet but even her slow pace isn’t slow enough to bring her team points down. And just know that the rest of the team felt the same way. I think the only person excited about this accomplishment is the coach. So, I’m headed to the city next week to watch them run. The school also has a Fall Fest next week, and a few different events in between so we'll be off to those. 

I officially entered my third trimester a few weeks ago. It’s been…rough? Not sure that’s the best word for it. I’m super grateful for my body and its ability to grow this little life. I can feel all of the kicks, rolls, and on occasion a little butt that pokes out of my side. It’s such a wild feeling and even more of a trip to see. But when I say that December can’t come soon enough, I mean it. I feel stretched beyond capacity, and I still have some time to go. I don’t get enough sleep and nothing feels comfortable. I want to throw out the bed, couch, pregnancy pillow, and glider because not a single one brings me any relief. My belly is heavy and it hurts. My lower back hurts. My legs, they hurt. And if I could have it my way I would just stay in bed. BUT life doesn’t stop when you’re pregnant so, we carry on.

We finally replaced the flooring in the living room! Now, we have to paint and replace all of the trim. And while I am in the beginning stages of “nesting” I am also very lazy right now. That “nesting energy” hasn’t quite hit. I’m currently just making lists of all the things that need to get done. While also quietly (sometimes not so quietly) panicking because I feel like they won’t be done before the baby gets here. And if you know me, you know that I get anxious when things are cluttered and super messy in my home. Recently, I let things get bad again while dealing with some exhaustion, and one afternoon my wonderful husband took it upon himself to clean the house. This was after a 12-hour shift at work too. He cleaned the restroom, put up the laundry, swept the entire house, cleaned the kitchen, took out the trash, and washed the dishes. I came home and cried. Again, hormones, but also I felt very loved. He said he knew I was having a hard time right now and he just wanted me to feel good when I walked into the house rather than like I had so much work to do.

Speaking of work, it has been chaotic lately. While I normally enjoy being busy and things moving quickly, there are some things I'm not entirely comfortable with at the moment. Things that are negatively impacting my mental health. I recently had lunch with a co-worker and they expressed the same concerns. The past six months things have slowly taken a turn for the worse, and in the past few weeks, some situations have turned toxic. We talked about the importance of boundaries and disconnecting. However, we both agreed that there has been one major factor contributing to all of this, and that is not going away anytime soon. So, I've just been keeping my head down. I'll hopefully be getting a bit of a break from all of the drama soon, and then here's to returning to some calm waters. 

And that about wraps things up for now. It's been a busy week and it's only Tuesday. I'm ready for some food and a nap. Only one of those is in my foreseeable future though. I hope October has been treating you well! Only a little over two weeks until Halloween! Until the next post...✌

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Let's Run About It // Coming to an End

Friday, September 27, 2024
Well, I didn’t think I’d get here so quickly but it looks like my running for the year is coming to an end. I might have one or two short runs left, but after that, there will be no more until after the baby gets here. I consulted with my NP this week, and it’s recommended that I switch to exclusively walking if my pelvic pain continues. I honestly envisioned having at least another month of running, but my body has other plans.

That said, I’m going to be shelving this little “series” of mine. I’m a little sad about the whole thing. More so because I dislike walking. I wasn’t able to get nearly as many miles in as I had hoped for either. But it is what it is. I’ll do my best to walk during the week, and see if I can’t get some mileage in that form. Otherwise, I’ll just be over here attempting some light exercise, and stretching.

But here’s to 2025! I’ve got some goals in mind already. I’ve been eyeing a few half-marathons at the end of next year. It all depends on when this baby arrives, and how my recovery goes. But I’d like to get back into a routine by March of next year and start training for a half about 2-3 months after that. God willing.

It’s ambitious, I know. Life with a newborn isn’t the easiest. And my daughter’s schedule is pretty packed. I don’t know when I’ll find time to fit in running or a training plan. Especially if I’m prioritizing naps and keeping my house in order. But this is something I really enjoy doing so I’d like to pick it back up as soon as I can.

So, this is my official “See Ya Later” to the physical activity I enjoy the most. You’ve been good to me. And hey, I ran up until I hit 30 weeks! I’m super grateful for every single time I got to lace up my running shoes. And I’m so thankful for how much my body has given me throughout this pregnancy. Even when there’s been pain. Until the next one…