Some Word Vomit for the Week

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Last week was a whirlwind. And this week has not been any different. Finding time to write has been hard between long work hours, doctor's appointments, and school activities. The exhaustion has set in. The discomfort at night has been ramping up. I don't feel like I get enough sleep. And I've been having a lot of big emotions lately too. It's been an interesting time, to say the least. Now, I wish I had this nice post with something interesting to say but I don't. Instead, I'll give a couple brief updates about what we've been up to. 

Home: My house is a disaster. We had to have our flooring pulled up, and it has yet to be replaced. My husband and I decided that even though we rent, we will pay for the majority of the flooring replacement. So, that's a major expense we are having to cover. While that part has been settled, my husband has been dragging his feet on making the purchase because he has to "find the best deal." In the meantime, I have stacks of old laminate scattered in my kitchen. We have living room furniture in different rooms. And every day, I'm reminded of just how small our space is. I'm almost at the point of asking my family to come help me move everything into the attic because I'm so sick of looking at it. 

Work: It has been kicking my tail a bit with the hours. The rough part is that I don't get paid overtime since I'm on a salary. I'm currently averaging between 45-48 hours. However, we're really busy right now and in a month I have to start training the person who will take over some of my duties while I'm on leave. Plus, I have more appointments so I have to make sure to make up time when I can. This makes for some really long days. But, such is life. I'm powering through, and hustling as best as I can. 

Fun: We hung out with family and friends at the Texas Motor Speedway last weekend. We went to watch the last round of the Super Motocross World Championships before the riders headed to Las Vegas for the final. And let me just say that it was a very hot day. Thankfully, we were invited to a suite so after the first 250-round, I waddled my way up and out of the heat. I am really grateful for that opportunity because having to sit in the stands with the sun blaring, in my condition would have been brutal. I would have had to head back to the RV campsite and watch the event from a TV screen. Instead, everyone was hanging out and having a blast. The men made their way down a few times to watch from the track, and the teenagers had access to a private elevator to make their way down to the concessions and back up. And I didn't suffer a heat stroke. So, yay! 

And that's about it for now. Here's hoping I have the energy to clean some of my kitchen up tonight. And fingers crossed that I have the motivation to put up the laundry that's been sitting in a basket all weekend. However, after today's chiropractor appointment, and the overall pain my body is feeling - that may just have to wait until the weekend. Again, here's hoping I can recruit some family members to help. Anyway, I hope you all have a great week! And here's to having something better to write about later. 

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

📸: Jill from SRC

Monday Motivation(ish)

Monday, September 2, 2024
📷: Credit

We are so close to Fall, y’all! My favorite season and time of year. This past weekend was a rough one for me mentally. I felt very low and spent a lot of time in bed. I know that’s not the best thing to do, but I didn’t have it in me to do much else other than shower, and a few chores. However, as Sunday afternoon came around, I found myself at home alone. Rather than stay inside my head, I decided to finally go see “It Ends with Us.” I bought myself some candy and popcorn and sat back to enjoy one of my favorite books brought to life.

Afterward, I stopped to wash my car and then headed home to finally give “It Starts with Us” a real go of it. As some of you may know, getting back into reading after such a long break has been a real struggle. But I fell right back into a groove. I devoured the pages until my eyes started to close, and I made a huge amount of progress. Will it continue? Who knows. But I’m excited to be reading some fiction again.

This morning, I woke up to rain showers. Thunder in the distance. If you don’t know, rainy/cloudy weather is at the top of my favorites list. As I got ready for the day I felt much better than I had the past few days. While I still had to go to work, getting back into my routine felt nice. I got ready, packed my things, and then headed out. Every once in a while I get into these funks. Lately, they’ve been occurring a bit more frequently, but I know the reason behind it. So, I do my best to get through them. I know I’ll eventually feel better, I just have to hang on during the lows. 

Now, it’s a new week in a new month. I've spent the day catching up on some less high-priority items that I had been putting off. I've been sipping on some coffee and enjoying the rainy weather. I hope your day has been a good one. I hope September treats y'all well. And here’s to cooler weather around the corner; fingers crossed! Happy Monday! Happy Labor Day!